The hose is stored in the wall. Pull out as much as you need. Retract the hose back into the wall when finished.

Veterinarian - Dog Boarding & Grooming

Hide‑A‑Hose (HAH) in procedure rooms make for instant clean-up.

Since the hose retracts into the wall, the vacuum equipment stays cleaner.

No more searching for a broom and dust pan. No more putting the clumsy hose away.

Longer Hide‑A‑Hose near the lobby help keep the area lookin neat.

Hide‑A‑Hose can do everything a traditional central vacuum can do. HAH is lower maintenance than the traditional hose.

The convenience makes it a popular option for clean-up. Then getting the hose out of your way quickly is a show-stopper.

Central vacuums are popular in dog boarding facilities as well. The standard central vacuum cannot handle water.

Arapahoe Central Vacuum has many clients that use a wet-dry central vacuum for their pet industry business. Give us a call regarding your needs for all your central vacuum needs.

Call us at 303-761-0729 for more information!

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